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Layoff Resource Hub

Helpful resources to guide your organization in the most challenging time

Layoffs are a critical moment for every organization. These complimentary resources are designed to help you support your employees to achieve the best outcomes for everyone involved.

Preparing for layoffs

Learn more about how you can plan for the future of your organization.
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Layoffs are pivotal for both the employee and the organization. When handled with care and empathy, they can create positive career outcomes, strengthen employer brand, and mark you out as a company with high integrity for years to come. When handled poorly, they can break trust, damage your reputation, and sap the morale and confidence of those that remain, creating lasting engagement, productivity, and brand perception challenges.

The State of Layoffs

The latest LHH research on layoffs was just released and the results are clear: layoffs are happening everywhere. Indeed, 77% of organizations are undertaking or considering layoffs. At the same time, there is a big disconnect between what HR leaders and employees say the company offers in terms of layoff support. This study is rich with new data and insight from employees struggling to wrap their heads around our new economic reality.

Layoff article series

This article series provides insight into some of the common considerations when conducting layoffs. From planning and communication through to protecting your reputation, the series outlines the best practices organizations should consider to reduce risk and ensure the best possible outcomes.
Whiplash and anxiety: harsh realities facing today’s working people
The swift pivot from relentless hiring in 2022 to signficant layoffs in 2023 is enough to give anyone whiplash. Yet, the cold, hard truth for any organization considering a downsizing is that there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct layoffs, preserve engagement and save your employer brand.
The Uncomfortable Inevitability of Layoffs
With so many potential triggers to force a company’s hand, from external factors like recession, to internal factors like cost-cutting or a merger, redundancies are virtually unavoidable over the course of a business’ lifetime.
The Complexities of a Layoff
Layoffs are a multifaceted process. There are many factors to consider, steps to take, and people to engage. Let’s take a look at some of the most inevitable complexities that companies face when letting go of employees.
The Psychological Toll of a Layoff
Layoffs are a difficult experience for many. However, the more empowered employees feel, the more confident and successful they’ll be finding work at a new company in the unfortunate event of a layoff.
Outplacement – its not just for the big guys
Regardless of the size of company or the number of people affected, layoffs can be a very difficult task that can benefit from the guidance of an experienced, professional career transition firm.
Layoffs – The Key Risks and Mitigations
Conducting layoffs presents a number of risks to the organization which need to be considered. We have set out our view of the 5 key risks of any headcount reduction and our approach to mitigating these in partnership with our clients.

Looking to support your employees?

At LHH, we provide individualized career guidance, insight, motivation, and resources for more opportunities than ever before—delivered in a tailored, technology-enabled, human-driven experience.

Looking to support your employees?

At LHH, we provide individualized career guidance, insight, motivation, and resources for more opportunities than ever before—delivered in a tailored, technology-enabled, human-driven experience.